Thursday, April 23, 2020


Teman dan sahabat ku tersebar dari sabang hingga merauke.

Berawal aku buka toko dan di antara para pelanggan ku berasal dari berbagai daerah suku dan agama.

Kita semua bersaudara satu indonesia.

Kami semua rukun dan bahagia bisa saling mengenal dan bersahabat.

Hingga sahabat ku yang sudah lulus kuliah ada yang bekerja di kota dan ada juga kerja jauh di negara eropa dan asia.

Meskipun sudah tidak bertemu sekian tahun kami masih menjalin silaturahmi lewat sosial media.

Saling bercanda dan menanyakan kabar dan sudah punya anak berapa! Hehee

Sahabat ku semoga kalian semua baik baik saja sehat dan bahagia selalu di manapun kalian berada.

Ingin ku berjumpa tapi apalah daya kita semua sudah mempunyai keluarga dan kesibukan yang tak mungkin bisa di tinggalkan.
Sahabat sejati tak akan mati di telan materi dan gengsi.
Tapi sahabat sejati akan selalu ada apapun kondisinya.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Perjuangan Hidup

Ini tentang pengalaman ekonomi ku dan kisah asmara ku.

Pada suatu hari aku yang masih kerja di kuli bangunan dan tentunya tentang asmara atau cinta yang tumbuh di setiap insan manusia.

Di waktu itu aku mengoda dan ingin berkenalan dengan seorang gadis tapi dia menghina ku dengan kata kata yang tak pantas yang seharusnya tak perlu di ucapkan, Dia berkata.. Kamu hanya seorang kuli bangunan tidak level ku.
Aku pun sadar diri tapi hati ini sebetulnya marah dan emosi tapi aku tahan dan biarlah waktu yang akan menjawabnya.

Dan setelah sekian tahun aku geluti pekerjaan ku di bangunan, Sambil ku kumpulkan hasil gajian ku tiap minggu dan ikut arisan untuk membuka usaha, Waktu itu belum terfikirkan mau buka usaha apa.

Dan setelah terkumpul uang ku, Aku membuka kios kecil di depan rumah ngontrak di tetangga.

Waktu demi waktu aku jalani usaha dan pekerjaan ku yang baru.

Dulu saya di hina sama orang orang di anggap rendah pekerjaan kuli bangunan dan kini telah aku buktikan bahwa aku bisa bangkit dari keterpurukan dan mandiri.

Tak perlu lagi aku menggoda wanita tapi wanita lah yang mendatangi ku.
Tak perlu lagi aku mencari teman ku yang dulu menyepelekan aku, Tapi merekalah yang mencari ku.

Tuhan memang adil, Aku yang tak tamat SMP ini di beri kemampuan dan bakat untuk mengais rejeki meski tidak punya ijazah SMA atau Sarjana, Tapi aku malah sering di mintain bantuan sama mereka.
Terimakasih TUHAN.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Perahu Hias di Hari Raya Ketupat

Hari raya ketupat.
Tepatnya seminggu setelah hari raya idul fitri. 
Di rayakan tapi tak seramai idul fitri. 

Semua perahu akan di hias di cat dengan berbagai warna, Diberi ornamen dan jajan atau cemilan di gantungin di atas perahu. Ada snack, minuman soda dan teh botol ada juga buah pisang dan kawan kawannya.
Start kita bisa naek perahu hias ini jam Enam pagi.
Berkeliling naek perahu dan ada juga yang menyalakan kembang api dan mercon membuat suasana semakin rame.
Ada pula yang membawa sound sistem. Dari orang tua anak kecil hingga para remaja semua berkumpul, dari yang kaya dan yang miskin semua senang menikmati hari raya ketupat, Saling bercanda dan tertawa.
Air laut yang pasang, Langit biru yang menerangi..
Perahu perahu hias berkeliling menyusuri lautan hingga ke bibir pantai untuk menurunkan penumpang dan membawa penumpang yang baru.
Seharian penuh kita bisa naik dari perahu satu ke perahu yang lain dan bagi anda para wisatawan bisa datang ke sini mencoba pengalaman baru dan gratis di saat hari raya ketupat.
Kalau anda dari surabaya dan sekitarnya, Anda bisa lewat dari jembatan suramadu atau lewat dari pelabuhan perak surabaya.

    Saturday, April 18, 2020

    Kisah Di Jalanan 6

    Masih di kisah perjalan hidup ku.
    Setelah aku antri mengambil jatah makan nasi yang berlauk garam.
    Aku duduk bersama kawan kawan satu blok,Makan bersama sama sambil ngobrol bercanda.

    Empat hari aku di lapas medaeng serasa lama banget dan rindu ibu ku.
    Hari kedua aku di lapas dan jam besuk napi pun telah di buka, Ibu ku datang menengok ku membawa nasi lima belas bungkus,Rokok dua bungkus dan kopi.
    Kata ibu ku,,Nasi yang empat belas bungkus dan rokok surya satu bungkus untuk kawan kawan ku di satu ruangan ku.
    Ibu merangkul ku menanggis sambil marah marah ke penjaga,Ibu ku marah kenapa anak ku di tangkap padahal dia bukan maling atau melakukan kejahatan.
    Hhhmmm.. Kalo kata pak sipir dan pak polisi supaya pengamen ini jerah dan yang keluyuran di jalan jam sepuluh malam ke atas.
    Karena dulu tahun 1998 pas ada demo besar (Revormasi)  di jakarta,Jadi semua yang di daerah lainnya kena imbasnya jam malam di berlakukan agar tidak keluyuran.

    Tak terasa empat hari telah aku jalani di dalam bui/lapas dan pagi pun menyambut hari indah ku keluar dari lapas menghirup udara bebas dan bisa bertemu dengan ibu ku.
    Aku berjalan ke jalan raya dan menuju ke terminal bungurasih naik bus jurusan terminal dekat rumah ku.
    Sesampainya di rumah aku di peluk sama ibu dan pakaian yang aku kenakan saat mengamen di buang sama ibu ku.

    Itulah cerita hidup dan pengalaman ku mengamen dan hidup di lampu merah perempatan terminal.

    Dan tentunya masih banyak kisah hidup ku yang nanti akan aku tulis di blog ku ini.


    Friday, April 17, 2020

    Kisah di jalanan 5

    Masih di cerita dan perjalanan hidup ku.
    Lalu kita di bawa ke dalam lapas para pengamen aku dan semua kawan ku.
    Di lapas blok E kita di tempatkan,Berjalan melewati depan orang orang napi senior Seakan kita seperti di film tapi nyata kita alami saat itu!!
    Kita di teriakin dan di kata katain.
    Sampailah kita di blok E di bukakan pintu kamar sama pak sipir lapas dan rebahanlah kita semua. Di dalam kamar itu hanya satu kotak campur dengan wc yang tidak ada penyekatnya.
    Jangan bayangkan bau nya seperti apa!! Heheee
    Pagi pun tiba di buka semua pintu kamar lapas tapi hanya kamar kita yang masih di kunci.
    Para senior berdatangan menanyakan nama dan asli dari mana dan ada pula yang marah marah tidak jelas.
    Pada akhirnya satu orang kenal dengan kita.
    Dari saat itu kita semua para pengamen tahanan baru aman dan tak ada yang berani menganggu kita.
    Waktu mandi telah tiba,Kita antri bergiliran mandi di lapangan terbuka beratapkan langit dan pemandangan sel penjara.
    Selesai mandi kita antri mengambil makan berbaris seperti ular antri mengambil jatah nasi dan lauk garam.

    story of my life 4

    This is still about my life in the past. In the previous article about me singing and girls guarding the dindong game.   At the time of my spare time busking .. Sometimes I play dindong with my friends. Eliminate boredom and seek entertainment. I began to enter the place looking for benches and games that no one had placed. I took a hundred silver coins from the wayang era. Go in and I will choose a fighter game ... Hehehee ... I didn't realize I was always being watched by a girl who was a dindong guard. Every time I went there she always smiled at me! could he greet me? And in the end my friends said .. That girl likes you. Tomorrow night I still busking and every hour it's my busking turn to play games there ..   I was with that girl and I got to know ... Hay ... What is your name? I asked him. He answered .. My name is Niken. Hhmmm ... I asked him ... Do you like me Not unexpectedly he answered yes. Aauuhh ... My heart is not frivolous hahahaa .. I told him! I am a street singer and I also use long hair earrings and ripped pants! Do you like me I asked him. To think he answered !! I like what you have. From then on I invented and loved monkeys like him! hahahaa .. In the morning, I started going to work in the building shop until the afternoon ... Afternoon shower and leave busking at the Bratang terminal red light. My enthusiasm was increased because there was Niken the dindong guard there. Arriving at the red light I started to go around the edge of the car and sing the song Slank our idol band at that time.     I got a dime for a dime and said mator thnks you. The night arrived at 9 o'clock at night, I entered dindong while singing the Niken. Dating an old kid just holding hands seemed to belong to the world together !! Happy and always happy, there are no hard words even though life is hard. Day after day I passed busking at a red light ... and right in 1998 I can't remember what month. But what I remember at that time was a big demonstration in Jakarta, he said.

    One day at 12 p.m. !! When it was my turn to busking there was a long-haired man with torn pants like my appearance. He approached me and borrowed a match. Without suspicion I gave my match and I reached out my hand to that man. And my hand was immediately held under me in a police truck that contained all the buskers and transvestites. Aduchh ... My selfish !! Haha ... I then shouted to my friends who were running ... Please tell my mother, I was arrested by the police.   In the truck there is a busker from various red lights in Surabaya and transvestites. Then we were taken to the Kapasan police station in the data and processed there, I asked the father who recorded me, What's wrong with us, sir, why was arrested and brought here. Then the father said because there was a report and also imposed a curfew because right in that year there was a big demonstration in Jakarta. Sleep nga can sleep thinking about my mother .. And the morning has arrived, I started to open my eyes and it turns out I'm still in the police station !! Hehehe.. Washed my face and told to have breakfast with the police officer .. Then we were taken to the prosecutor's office on Arjuna street, gathered to wait for his turn at the trial .. We were summoned by all the buskers into the courtroom. Yes, we were wrong and we were in prison for four days. The trial is over and we are taken to a detention car in. Ten people are crammed inside .. Feelings of shame and shame .. We feel like criminals !! Aduchh ... The detainee's car started speeding while the Wiyu wiyu siren sounded .. We are taken to the Medaeng prison. We arrive at the data center, we take all the items that endanger ourselves such as belt matches, etc ... We enter the buskers in the room block E medaeng, walk slowly and in the belief that the senior prisoners want to be beaten want to be asked for money, basically all the dirty words directed at us new buskers.

    story of my life 3

    This story is still about my life in the past where I was a teenager. At that time I was working in the middle school high school canteen.   Time after time passed and I went through my life journey without any sadness in my mind working and looking for money to help my mother.   After three years I went to work in the school canteen, I said goodbye to get out of work and find a new job that had a bigger payday. I started looking for a new job asking my neighbor Mr. Wanto.   After weeks and weeks there was finally a vacancy in his place, in a building shop as a car driver who sent building materials. I immediately accepted the proposal and started the day I worked. Meet the boss who has a shop called Mr. Haj. In the interview and in my self-test, Km is still small, is it strong enough to lift tiles and heavy objects !? I answered it was strong, Pak Hajj. Then the pilgrims accepted me to work at his place and on that day I began to work with my new friends. I feel happy and comfortable working in a building shop because of the atmosphere and friends. Monday to Saturday I work from seven in the morning until four in the afternoon. What I like working in this shop is sending cars and going around the city I consider as refreshing so I'm not bored and bored. Saturday has also arrived at a time when payday comes later .. I was paid four thousand rupiahs a day, it was still in 1995 Coming home feeling happy and happy I gave my payday to my parents .. This is my first paycheck from a building shop, my mother received it while crying and hugging me. Day by month and month by year ... I have lived and worked ... And right in the middle of 1997 I started busking at five in the afternoon after work. Afternoon and afternoon I continued to work in a building shop and when it was five o'clock in the afternoon I had gone busking at the red light at the Bratang terminal intersection. Together with my friends, I busking every afternoon until late at night, Bringing a jar from a bottle cap and guitar I approached every car that stopped at a red light and wished they had opened a window and given coins. The day passed and right when I was singing and playing dindong games across the street .. Without me realizing there was someone watching me and the dindong guard girl asking my friend about myself and my name. 


    story of my life 2

    My story is still about my life's journey to go with my mother. 
    Arriving at the Surabaya terminal I got off the angkot and apologized if my money was less than two thousand rupiahs, at that time the angkot fare was three thousand rupiahs. Alhamdulilah, the driver was kind and received my fare.   I continued my trip to rent my mother on foot along the highway and into the alley village.   Aahh .. Didn't feel that I had arrived in front of my mom's rented alley. I was shaken by the neighbors and said ... Bulek your child here ... I felt scared and happy, Afraid my mother was angry and glad I had arrived in Surabaya.   I'm in the arms of mom. . And said "Yes, if you want to come with you, what do you want to do? Get your hair cut and take a shower and eat." Thank God my mother did not scold me and I was allowed to go with my mother and three younger siblings. Time passes and I have started to look for work .. Drive around in every shop and building project .. Finally I got a job even if only in a school cafeteria ... I started working in the canteen in junior high school, I got a nickname, she is a Balinese person and very kind to me and my mother. I work from Monday to Saturday from six in the morning to three in the afternoon. My job is shopping at the market, sweeping clean sometimes also frying cakes or snacks. if the break is busy I can also be against the buyer .. Sometimes I am ashamed to see my junior high school age children at school and snacks in the canteen, because I should also still be in the second grade of junior high school, but economic conditions that make me drop out of school and decide to work to help my mother and my younger siblings. 


    story of my life 1

    In the city of Surabaya I was born. Until he was six years old. From the age of six I was taken to the village with my grandmother and grandfather there .. Until one day I started attending elementary school and until junior high school.   My life every day playing in the sea and swimming to fish. When I was growing up in first grade junior high school I always wanted to go with my mother and father in the city.   My wish was not fulfilled until my father passed away. Until finally my first grade junior high school desperate to go to the city with my mother. But my mother hit me and said, have you followed my grandmother here in the village. I cringed when my mother left my helper in the harbor. I'm still crying and I want to scream but whatever my power at that time was still small and did not dare to fight with parents.   Until finally I was silent and told my grandmother to ask for money for snacks. He was given two thousand rupiahs of money at that time. I said goodbye playing to my grandmother .. but I and my intention to follow my mother in the city of Surabaya only armed with two thousand rupiah. I ran to the rice fields and ponds to cut the road to quickly reach the harbor.   When I arrived at the port at the end of Kamal I ran and chased the empty sand truck, I climbed in and into the truck. Get stuck so that officers don't get caught if I don't buy a ticket and don't have money. My head occasionally peeked up at the air until what has not been to the Surabaya silver port. And half an hour later the ferry ships leaned in the harbor and I went out to continue my journey to my mother's house.


    Masa Remaja Di Jalanan

    Pada tahun 90 an yang lampau.   Ini cerita di masa masa saya dan kawan kawan masih hidup dan mencari uang di jalan sebagai pengamen jalanan ...
